Alpha’s Spring 2024 Update: Passing of the Torch
As the academic year came to a close for the Kingdom, we said “see you later” to 26 graduating seniors. Traditionally, the phrase is that “we said goodbye” to our seniors, however as the brothers of the Alpha Delta chapter of the Chi Phi fraternity know, our bond of brotherhood is not only a four-year commitment—it spans a lifetime. Before our seniors departed for life after college, our house carried on with the tradition of senior send offs where each senior imparts some of the wisdom they gained throughout their time at the chapter house. The consensus among the seniors was to enjoy the next few years because they can go by quickly and that you get out what you put in.
As the seniors moved on to what was next, members of the younger classes began taking up new positions within the Alpha Delta chapter. We most recently elected a new THON board, assistant social chair, assistant rush chair, formal chair and parents weekend chair. Each of these positions were filled by freshman and sophomore brothers. Although the semester has ended, the brothers have not become complicit, instead many of the brothers have begun planning our next semester ranging from our social calendar and rush week to philanthropic events and our 100-year anniversary.
The Kingdom will continue carving out the path our seniors helped pave as we move into the next year. As I mentioned in our last newsletter, our 100th anniversary as a house should not mark an end, but rather a new beginning for our brothers.
–Nathan Smith ‘26